Thursday, April 16, 2020

Home Charging Options

In all likelihood, you will end up with some sort of Level 2 charging setup at home...  For simplicity, these can be divided into two different types...  a wall mounted outlet, into which the EVSE plugs in, or a separately purchased wall mounted EVSE or 'charger'.

Option 1:  Wall mounted outlet... In this case, the outlet is located outdoors, so is installed in a special all weather receptacle enclosure, purchased as a complete package. If located indoors, all you need is a large square metal box for a range outlet, and the range outlet itself.

Option 2:  Wall mounted EVSE (Charger). This is a Canadian made unit, the Flo G5, which includes the charging base and the cable, and it is directly wired to the electrical breaker panel. The one advantage of these, beyond looking fantastic, is that you can keep the portable EVSE supplied with the car in the car at all times for travelling.